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$81.74 US ($108.99)

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$81.74 US ($108.99)

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$0.00 US ($0)

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Dolphin Encounter at Chankanaab Park

Welcome to our unforgettable Dolphin Encounter program at the esteemed Chankanaab Park in Cozumel! Prepare to be enchanted as you delve into the realm of marine wonders and embark on an extraordinary journey with our intelligent and gentle dolphins.

Your adventure commences as you step into the crystal-clear waters of our specially designed dolphinarium based in the sea. Guided by our expert trainers, you'll partake in a heartwarming dolphin handshake, feeling the sleek, smooth skin of these majestic creatures against your hand. Experience a profound connection as you exchange greetings with your newfound dolphin friends.

Continue your magical encounter with a dolphin hug, an experience that will stay with you forever. Embrace the warmth and gentle strength of the dolphins as they reciprocate your affection, fostering a bond that transcends words.

Engage in the captivating dolphin hand target activity, where you become an integral part of an interactive training session. Witness the dolphins' remarkable intelligence and agility as they respond to your cues, showcasing their extraordinary abilities. This hands-on interaction allows you to forge a meaningful connection with the dolphins while gaining insight into their behavior and communication.

Throughout our Dolphin Encounter program, our professional trainers will share fascinating insights into these marine ambassadors, emphasizing the importance of conservation efforts and the unique traits that make dolphins so extraordinary.

Following your encounter, indulge in a delectable buffet lunch and enjoy the delights of our domestic open bar, savoring refreshing beverages framed by the beautiful Chankanaab Park and our spectacular dolphinarium.

As the day continues, be captivated by a mesmerizing show featuring sea lions and manatees, marveling at their graceful performances and celebrating the wonders of marine life.

Take the opportunity to explore Chankanaab Park's additional attractions, from lush botanical gardens to detailed replicas of archaeological wonders and pristine beaches.

Join us for an intimate Dolphin Encounter at Chankanaab Park, where education, connection, and the enchantment of the sea converge for an unforgettable experience in Cozumel!

What Is Included?

  • 10 minutes safety and educational directions
  • 30 minutes dolphin interaction (approximate)
  • Bilingual professional trainer
  • The Dolphin Encounter Program includes handshake, hand target, hug and kiss
  • Buffet and domestic open bar
  • Chankanaab Park Entrance Fee
  • Lockers, Restrooms, swimming pool, showers
  • Manatee Interaction
  • Sea Lions Show
  • Free time to explore Chakanaab Park (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
  • Taxi back to your cruise port or downtown area
  • Free WiFi


Meeting Directions

Important Notes & Restrictions

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